We love giving you the freedom to choose your fabric before the product is made. Therefore, all bags, that is, the slouchy grocery tote and the bamboo handle tote, on the site are sold “as is”.
You assume the responsibility for your bag purchase, and no refunds will be issued. You may contact us within 5 business days from the purchase date if you wish to exchange your purchase for a product of equal or lesser value. If you choose to exchange your purchased for an item of lesser value, there will be no refund for the difference in price. Items are authentic and one-of-a-kind; therefore, slight variations in pattern placement are likely and celebrated due to the handmade process.
If you have received the correct T-shirt order and are unsatisfied with the fit, we’re happy to accept returns within 2 days of receiving. Items must be unworn, unwashed, and undamaged. The customer is responsible for shipping the item back to our store, and for the cost of shipping. Once we receive the item, you will be notified and refunded within 5 – 7 business days through the method of payment used to originally purchase.
We currently do not do exchanges. You will have to go through the return process and order a new product.
To return an item, please email [email protected] and in your email subject write: RETURN